Friday, December 13, 2013

Semester Final Exam Review

1. Rule of thirds- this means that you cut your photo in 9 squares and your main object of the photo is not in the middle  
2. Balancing Elements- this means that your photos have to b balanced
3. Leading Lines- this means that in the photo their has to be lines that that lead your eyes to the main object of the photo you are looking at
4. Symmetry and Patterns (repetition)- this means that in the picture that you are looking at their is repetition as in more of the same object
5. Viewpoint-is defined as the angle, direction or stance from which you choose to shoot each image.
6. Background- this means that the back of the photo is simple so the human eye only focuses on the main object of the photo
7. Create depth-is when you add more objects at the background
8. Framing- is when you see a picture that has an actual frame inside the picture for example if their is a picture with a person in a door frame that's framing
9. Cropping-is when in the photo their is only one important focused and the rest of the background is less noise
10. Mergers and avoiding them- this happens when tow things come together.

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